The Hub Appointments




Information for Patients

You may have heard us talk about appointment at the HUB if you have called for an appointment at the surgery. 


What is this?

Southampton GPs introduced a new initiative a little while ago now to provide patients access to medical help from 8am to 8pm every weekday (including bank holidays) and 8am to 4pm on Saturday and 8am to 2pm on Sunday.

image of extended access

Southampton Primary Care Ltd (which is owned by all Southampton GP practices) has been set up to provide these appointments, known as 'THE HUB' and is an important part of the practices resource to help provide appointments to our patient population. You will be asked for permission to share your medical record with the person seeing you to ensure they can view your usual medication and possible allergies etc.


Who can use these appointment?

As a registered patient at Shirley Health Partnership, we can book an appointment with a doctor or nurse for you.  You may find it more convenient to ask for a HUB appointment especially if you work or can only see a GP or nurse at the weekend.


Where are these HUBS?

There are six HUBS throughout the city who offer these appointments but we cannot guarantee which one will have free appointments on any particular day.  Please be aware that you may have to  visit one which may be slightly further away from your local surgery.


How do I book?

Our reception staff can book these for you, call the surgery on 023 8078 3611.  Also if you phone NHS 111 (when we are closed), then you could be offered a HUB appointment if you need to be seen by a GP or nurse on that day. Remember calling NHS 111 is free to phone and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you may not need to wait until 8am on Monday morning if you are needing medical attention over the weekend.